We left on Monday evening to Madinah via Jeddah. The flight to Jeddah was about 8 hours plus. We arrived in Jeddah late evening and stayed overnight at Jeddah Dallah Airport. We had to catch the next flight to Madinah next morning. On the same flight to Jeddah, we had a well known celebrity "Dato" onboard. She was going to meet her son in Madinah and perform her Umrah together with him.
I was quite nervous actually. I didn't know what to expect. I don't hope for anything but prayed that ALLAH would make the whole process easier for us when perform the umrah.
I was really looking forward for this trip. I had been waiting and preparing for this trip for a year. So there I was in Jeddah catching the next morning flight to Madinah.
I managed to take a snap shot of our luggage's before the flight to Madinah.
Another picture taken before departing Jeddah airport to Madinah.
We arrived Madinah around noon. We had taken the tour agency that caters to our personal need. The "mutawif" picked us up at the airport and checked us in straight at the hotel which was a walking distance to the entrance of Mesjid Nabawi.
One thing about going to Mesjid Nabawi is that the ladies will have to go through a designated entrance/gate while the men can enter through any of the gates open. At first I was worried about going in alone, but after being brief by the "mutawif", it wasn't that bad after all. Besides, I was not the only Malaysian or Asian pilgrim. There were quite a number of groups from Malaysia and Indonesia actually. But I somehow managed to do it on my own.
By the time we arrived at the mosque, I couldn't get into Raudha because Raudha is only opened to ladies at a certain time. Usually in the morning it would be from 7am - 10am while afternoon it would be after zohor prayers from 1:30pm - 3pm (if I'm not mistaken). As for the men, Raudhah is opened all day till late night. Because of the timing, I would make sure that I have my breakfast early after Subuh prayers and go back to the mosque and wait till the gate for Raudha is open.
We were fortunate that we managed to complete our "ziarah luar" on the same day we arrived Madinah. That covers all the time that is needed for "ziarah luar". We only got 2 days in Madinah and to me it was too short. I wished we had the chance to stay another day but we were told that the hotel that we stayed was already fully booked.
The feeling of being in Mesjid Nabawi is overwhelming. I was so blessed. I'm just HIS servant yet HE is kind to me especially for a first timer. As you walk into the ladies entrance/gate which is gate 25 and gate 29, you really can't explain the feeling. I was mesmerized with the beautiful interior and architecture of the mosque. However, we were not allowed to bring in camera or camera phones. Therefore, I do not have any interior picture of the mosque. The spiritual feeling of overwhelm will make you forget about everything from your problems to your worries. You're all focus for ALLAH.
The next day after we performed the "solat subuh" and had early breakfast, I was all set for Raudha. I prayed to ALLAH in order to give me the opportunity to pray in Raudha on that day. I was told and advised by friends how difficult it can be. People are pushing and fighting through to get into Raudha. I was quite concerned about being stepped on and pushed to the side honestly. Being petite in this case doesn't help BUT Alhamdulillah throughout my whole time praying at the mosque, there was always space for me to pray. ALLAH is always kind to me during my spiritual journey. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
I have heard stories and their experience from some friends that they almost got stepped on and fell on to another person trying to get into Raudha. Raudha or Rawdhah or Roudha as some people spelled it, is the space between the Prophet's Chamber (Aisha's room - one of the Prophet's wife) and the Prophet's Minbar (pulpit). The area takes its chamber name from the Prophet's statement: "What is between my chamber and my pulpit is a garden (rawdhah) from the gardens of Paradise." It is known whoever gets to pray in Raudha, ALLAH will answer your prayers Insya'ALLAH.
I couldn't believe my luck. I was blessed again on the second day. I was told that they now have a system for all pilgrims especially for the ladies to go into Raudha. They started the new system on the 2nd day when I was in Madinah. The Malaysians and the Indonesians are put together in groups. The groups are based on the country they are from. Then the mosque keeper (don't really know what they call the ladies who takes care of the mosque) will bring us into Raudha by the country you are from. Advice to those who plan to go Umrah soon: Stick close to the mosque keeper/guardian. Insya'ALLAH, you'll get the chance to go into Raudha. However be patient because there are hundreds and thousands of people who will want to go into Raudha at the same time with you. Have faith and Insya'ALLAH you'll get your chance.
As for me, I was blessed. I couldn't believe the luck that ALLAH had given to me again. I may have fell on the way to Raudha but luckily no one who's BIGGER size then me stepped on my head or body. Instead they helped me up. Alhamdulillah. Bless the person who pulled me up. After a long walk from one end of the mosque to the other, I finally saw the Prophet's Chamber. Though it was covered but you get to see a glimpse of it. I was speechless. All this while I only read and saw the pictures in many books but that day, for the first time in my life I saw the Prophet's chamber with my own eyes. I was mesmerized again and almost broke down as I walked pass the Prophet's chamber and into Raudha. I kept on praying to ALLAH without realizing that I was already in Raudha. You can tell by looking down at the carpet. The carpets in Raudha is green and gray. Plus, you can also tell by the pillars in Raudha. If you look up to the mini domes, you will be mesmerized.
Though people was pushing everyone around however, I found myself a small space for me to pray. I threw my bag down and started praying to ALLAH. I felt so blessed that I cried. I couldn't stop crying. In fact everyone around me was crying away. I "felt" it. I felt that feeling. It is something you just can't explain. I was blessed. Ya ALLAH, only HE knows what was on my mind. I managed to spend about 20 minutes in Raudha by praying in one corner. I took out my wishlist and prayed to HIM. Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah. By the time I was done, one of the mosque guardian/keeper asked me to pray outside.
I walked out from the Raudha area and sat in one corner sobbing away thinking how lucky I was and that ALLAH blessed me with HIS kindness. I could see the Prophet's chamber from where I sat. I spent almost 2 hours in front of the Prophet's chamber praying and reading the some surah.
Note: I managed to pray for all my friends who prayed for my health too. You know who you are! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is the only way I can repay your kindness and thoughtful thoughts. I prayed for your health and well being. Insya'ALLAH.
By noon on the 2nd day after solat Zohor, I decided to try my luck again and see if I could get into Raudha. Again, ALLAH answered my dua's. Alhamdulillah with HIS blessings, I set foot into Raudha again for the second time. There's no other way I can explain the feeling that I felt. It was too deep and fulfilling. All I can say is...it's a wonderful feeling of calmness, joy and happiness. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
The same night after solat Isyak, my husband and I decided to do some minor shopping near by the hotel area. The prices and things like arbaya's, kurma ajwa, henna's and tasbihs are quite reasonable. I didn't shop a lot because we were only allowed 20kg for each luggage. Besides, shopping was not the priority at all in my mind. I was more focus towards being close to ALLAH. This trip is about cleansing the soul.
Subuh in Madinah is around 4:45am. Usually by 4am, we would be up preparing for the solat subuh.
On the 3rd day in Madinah, I was so sad. I wished we could stay longer. Our flight to Jeddah was at noon. Roughly, we had time to say goodbye to Prophet. I've decided to try for another go into Raudha for the last time before we fly back to Jeddah and to Mekkah by car.
With ALLAH blessings again, I managed to pray in Raudha for the 3rd time. Syukur Alhamdulillah. This time again, I was sobbing away. I didn't want to leave. My heart felt so heavy to leave Medinah. I had to dragged my feet out after saying my goodbyes at the Prophet's chamber. My husband was already waiting for me outside the gate. I was so sad. I prayed that this was not going to be my last visit. Insya'ALLAH with ALLAH's blessings, I will be back again. Either another Umrah trip or Haj pilgrimage.
As I walked out from Mesjid Nabawi to the hotel which was few hundred meters away, I was already missing the Prophet. My love for ALLAH and the Prophet grew more and more. When the "mutawif" picked us up to bring us to the airport, I couldn't help feeling sad even though I was about to continue my spiritual journey to Mekkah.
By noon, we were already in our Ihrams. All set for the next spiritual journey. The main spiritual journey...The Umrah.
Note: Do have lots of patient when you're at the airport. It may take a while to process your departure.
While I was on the plane on the way to Jeddah/Mekkah, I prayed to ALLAH that I wanted see Mesjid Nabawi again for the last time from air. ALLAH granted me that wish and I saw the mosque from air. I broke down all over again. I couldn't control my emotions as I was sobbing hard. I kept praying to ALLAH so that HE will allow me to come back to Madinah again. Insya'ALLAH dengan izinNYA.
*selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dan sahabat-sahabatnya*
Next....The Journey into Mekkah Al Mukarramah.
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